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Liberals Need to Stand Out and Stand Up

March 12, 2010

Gordon Gibson has a nice piece today in the Globe and Mail today on how the Liberals can differentiate themselves in the next election and help the country with a big problem at the same time.  It turns out, Gordon agrees with me, that Electoral Reform is the safest and most exciting issue for the Liberals to use to stand out from the Conservatives.

Safe because its the one issue that you know the Conservatives won’t try to hijack for themselves because they fundamentally don’t believe in it.  Exciting because it ties in to all the anger about two prorogations in a year, the ambiguity of the Governor General’s office, the anger over the senate, slugging voter turnout, low youth turnout and many other issues.  Its a problem that spans many different areas and even touches on national unity and campaign funding.

The time has come for the Liberals to step up and boldly take the issue of electoral reform as their own to fix a number of  things that are wrong with the democratic machinery of our great country.  Now is the time to do it.  And it might just be the only thing that will work.

I’ve created a central page on Fixing Democracy with all the articles I’ve written on this topic of specific proposals (my own and from others) for parties to think outside the box and acknowledge the democratic deficit in our country through how they campaign and how they govern.

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